Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Importance of Being H2O

I've said it before.  You've heard it before.  Our bodies are 60% water, but most people are not getting nearly enough of this important compound.

What Does Water Do For Us?

  • Water aids filtration in the body through urination and elimination.  Without water we would not be able to expel toxins, creating a poisonous environment within our bodies.  
  • Water is a key component in sweat, which helps regulate body temperature.
  • Blood plasma is 93% water as well as lymph (a fluid that flows through the lymphatic system).
  • On a cellular level, functionality completely ceases with the absence of water.

Dehyrdation is the excessive loss of body fluid.  Basically, more water is going out than in.  It can cause a slowing of our metabolism, increase in blood pressure, and a decrease in sweating.  With just 5-6% water loss, grogginess, headache, and nausea can occur.  At 10-15% fluid loss, muscles spasm, skin shrivels, and delirium begins.

884 million people all over the world do not have clean drinking water.  Sub-Saharan Africa, Southeast Asia, and Latin America are the most affected by this problem, but do not think this is a third world problem.  Even in America communities lack clean drinking water.  

I hear the question forming in your head.  "But isn't 71% of Earth covered in water?"

It is!  But that's salt water and drinking salt water will make you sick.  We need fresh water to survive and, unfortunately, only 4% of the Earth's water is fresh and 66% of that fresh water is frozen in glaciers and ice caps.

Due to this scarcity, 3.575 million people die of water-related diseases each year.  That's 3,575,000 or the entire population of Los Angeles.

Well, what can I do about it?
You can donate to a charity like

Not into giving without getting?  Check out the shop at MyCharity.

Maya Angelou said, "A joyful spirit is evidence of a grateful heart."  Be grateful for the wonderful things you have: indoor plumbing, clean water on command, and enough food to eat because things could just as easily have turned out very different for us all.

Sources: CDC, Kids Health, Blood Plasma Wiki, Lymph Wiki, Dehydration Wiki
Photo Credit: Juhanson

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